台湾人になるには、朝ごはんを食べよう 𝐁𝐞 𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐞, 𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭

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  • 台湾人になるには、朝ごはんを食べよう 𝐁𝐞 𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐞, 𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭

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誠品生活南西の企画記事が台湾通に掲載されました 🤝 素晴らしい台湾のブランチ体験にご案内します!


台湾の早午餐(ブランチ)文化についての驚くべきトリビア!Surprising Trivia about Taiwan’s Brunch Culture!

1.朝食店の密度が世界で最も高い The Highest Density of Breakfast Stores around the World

Taiwan had nearly 19,000 breakfast stores in 2023, outnumbering convenience stores by 40%.

2. 24時間営業の朝食店があるのは世界でも台湾だけ! 24-Hour Breakfast Stores: Only in Taiwan!

Taiwan’s 1960s-70s baseball craze fueled all- night viewings, sparking the creation of 24-hour breakfast stores to serve late-night fans.

3. 台湾人なら誰でも知ってる豆知識 Tidbit

Feeling constipated? Fetch a milk tea at a Taiwanese breakfast store, and you’re good to go.



1. 大稲埕慈聖宮 Cisheng Temple in Dadaocheng

Cisheng Temple in Dadaocheng

Nestled within Taipei’s rare Temple Street Food Market, some stalls have been serving delicious treats for decades and across two to three generations, drawing both locals and international tourists alike. Some have even been featured in renowned magazines like POPEYE.

Xu's Pig Trotter Soup

Aunt A-Guei’s Pork Rib Soup

  • 許仔豚足湯|超濃厚な味わいの豚足スープ
    Xu’s Pig Trotter Soup | Renowned for its rich and special broth.
  • 葉家肉粥|看板メニューは豚バラの薄いカツ 紅焼肉(ホンシャオロウ)
    Yejia Meat Porridge | Try out its signature braised pork!
  • 魷魚標(イカ専門店) Squid Biao
  • 阿桂姨原汁排骨湯(パイグースープ) Aunt A-Guei’s Pork Rib Soup

Cisheng temple:No. 17, Ln. 49, Dalong St., Datong Dist., Taipei City 📍Daqiaotou MRT Station/Beimen MRT Station
営業時間:約9:30-13:30 Around 9:30 AM-1:30 PM

2. 永楽市場 Yongle Fabric Market

Yongle Fabric Market

With a history spanning over 100 years, Yongle Fabric Market is now primarily focused on fabric wholesale and processing. The first-floor food court offers a rich array of food ingredients and a variety of fresh and cooked food items. The bustling neighborhood surrounding the vibrant Xiahai City God Temple has developed a plethora of traditional snacks, making it a foodie’s paradise.

Wan Long Sashimi Shop

  • 林合発油飯店|130年以上の歴史を持つ大人気の伝統グルメ
    Lin He Fa Glutinous Oil Rice | A traditional favorite with over 130 years of history.
  • 丸隆生魚行|連日行列の絶えない人気店(寿司、刺身)
    Wan Long Sashimi Shop | Famous for its never-ending queues.
  • 蔡迪化街古早味蚵嗲(牡蠣のかき揚げ) Tsai’s Dihua Street Traditional Oyster Fritters
  • 好粿縁|胡麻入りの草もち/赤亀粿(亀の甲羅模様の赤い大福)
    Hao Guo Yuan|Herbal Rice Cake with Sesame/Turtle-Shaped Rice Cake

台北市迪化街一段21号 📍MRT北門駅
No. 21, Sec. 1, Dihua St., Datong Dist., Taipei City 📍 Beimen MRT Station
営業時間:約7:00-17:00 Around 7:00 AM-5:00 PM

3. 雙連市場 Shuanglian Market

Shuanglian Market

Centered around the Wenchang Temple, Shuanglian Market developed into a bustling community market. The high foot traffic from surrounding residences, hospitals, and offices provides a rich variety of breakfast options.

Yanshan Dumplings

  • 燕山湯圓|オリジナルのレバー湯圓(肉餡入り白玉のレバースープ)
    Yanshan Dumplings | Exclusive pork liver dumplings.
  • 企鵝文肉羹店(豚つみれのとろみスープ) Penguin Wen Thick Pork Soup
  • 鴉片粥|鴉片は中毒になる美味しさの意味です!
    Opium Porridge | So good it’s “addictive”!
  • 建国潤餅(台湾式生春巻き) Jianguo Spring Rolls

文昌宮:台北市中山区民生西路45巷9号 📍MRT雙連駅
Wenchang Temple ─ No. 9, Ln. 45, Minsheng W. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 📍 ShuanglianMRT Station
営業時間:約7:30-14:00 Around 7:00 AM-2:00 PM

4. 世界美食総滙 World Food Hub (Shijie Meishi Zonghui)

World Food Hub

Offering non-stop 24-hour service, this incredible breakfast spot features nearly 200 popular Taiwanese breakfast items to choose from. Always packed with customers, even during late-night hours!

📍No. 187, Guisui Street, Datong District, Taipei
営業時間:24時間 24 Hours

5. 尚雯ブランチ Shangwen Brunch

Known for its unbeatable prices and portions, Shangwen Brunch is the most popular breakfast spot in the neighborhood! The store even provides menus in Japanese and English to cater to international visitors.

  • 牛肉入り焼きそば Beef Stir-Fried Noodles
  • 野菜入りの大蛋餅(ダンビン) Vegetable Taiwanese Egg Pancake
  • 二種類のオリジナル辛いソース|台湾式辛いソース/タイ式酸辣ソース
    Two Signature Hot Sauces|Taiwanese Hot Sauce/Thai Hot Sauce

📍 No. 231, Chang’an West Road, Datong District, Taipei
営業時間:5:30-13:30(日曜定休) 5:30 AM – 1:30 PM (Closed on Sundays)

6. 丸本丸飯團/米粉羹 Wanbenwan Rice Ball/Rice Noodle Soup

Featuring ingredients from Yilan, local delicacies like smoked duck and beef tripe are combined with traditional purple rice balls. The store also offers rice noodle soup, bringing diverse dining options to the community.

  • 燻製のアヒル肉の紫もち米おにぎり Smoked Duck and Purple Rice Ball
  • 密西羹(具たくさんビーフンのとろみスープ) Mixigen (Mixi Thick Soup)

📍 No. 62-19, Section 1, Chongqing North Road, Datong District, Taipei City
営業時間:約7:30-13:30(木曜定休) Around 7:30 AM – 1:30 PM (Closed on Thursdays)



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